Sunday, July 12, 2015

School Groups - Riddle

"We have five extra-curricular groups at school, a schoolboy began. "They're fitters', joiners', photo graphic, chess, and choral groups. 

The fitters' group meets every other day, the joiners' every third day, the photographic every fourth day, the chess every fifth day and the choral every sixth day. These five groups first met on January 1 and thenceforth meetings were held according to schedule. 

The question is, how many time; did all five groups meet on the same day in the first quarter (January 1 excluded)?"
"Was it a Leap Year?"
"In other words, there were 90 days in the first quarter."  


  1. I think that they will meet only one day( excluding Jan 1) together and it's the sixtyth day.

  2. Yes. Good Job Chinmay :)

    I am not sure what method you used to solve this riddle but I have posted the next blog post explaining the correct method to solve this riddle.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. They will meet once in the span of 90 days as the lcm of 3,4,5,6 is 60.we have to find the lowest common multiple if we need to find the first common multiple between the this case we needed to find the first day they will meet again.learnt the method of hcf and lcm in school
