Wednesday, September 9, 2015

Riddle: Find logical mistake in the sentence

Mary, in 1925, told her friend, "My husband died in World War I."


  1. I guess she lied because the world war one was from 1914 - 1918 so if he died why would she tell her about that 7 - 11 years after that. If she was her friend she would invite her or atleast tell her at the funeral which is about 1month after people know about the death.

    1. I like the way you analyzed this Chinu. But it is quite possible that she may have met this "friend" after many years.

      The main logical flaw in this statement is - by 1925 World war II had not happen so Mary would not refer the World was (1914-1918) as World war I. In 1925 they used to call it a "Great war". Only after the second world war (1939-1945), people started referring the first war as "World War I".

  2. nice one atul kaka got the main mistake

  3. I liked chinu's approach at problem solving. :)
